for once, exploring the Ruhr river instead of electrolytes during the canoe tour of the chair of Analytical Chemistry II
for once, exploring the Ruhr river instead of electrolytes during the canoe tour of the chair of Analytical Chemistry II
Keen to understand how electrocatalytic nanoparticles function? So, here is your opportunity to learn advanced techniques like differential electrochemical mass spectrometry (DEMS) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), and tackle green energy solutions together with the groups of the collaborative research center for heterogeneous oxidation catalysis.
Many thanks to the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU, engl. German Federal Environmental Foundation) and my fellow DBU-fellows for two inspiring days in Osnabrück and the Climate Muncipality Saerbeck, the opportunity to give a talk on our materials for and from electrochemistry, and all the support and insights on central aspects of environmental protection and nature conservation over the years.
We participated in the MINT TANK Summer School of the Dr. Hans Riegel Foundation and identified – with young Hans Riegel-awardees – which aspects of water electrolysis must be better understood to aim for a sustainable hydrogen economy by an interactive lab demonstration and an experimental setup we are currently using in research.
A snapshot from EDNANO‘s poster session where Geovane presented new results on the role of hydrated oxide structures for electrochemical activity following Julia’s talk in the morning. Happy to meet so many scientists dedicated to electrodeposited nanostructures and puls plating … over one, two, … beers.
Besides the presents for their 70th birthday (no information on single-entity level available), Kristina and Julia are really happy to receive funding for their new CRC tandem-subproject on electroanalytics of nanocatalyst transformations during electrochemical oxidation reactions as part of the for 4 years extended Collaborative Research Centre / Transregio 247 Heterogenous Oxidation Catalysis in the Liquid Phase.
New opportunity to become a part of [e-Speicher]3! Find all information here.
We had a great time discussing opportunities of micro lab technologies for our electrochemical energy applications at the CBM Workshop at TU Ilmenau (seen right of the lake; yes, still snow on the Thuringian Forest hills).
Time to dive into Practical Microfluidics at sunny Ilmenau and inside fully weather-independent clean room facilities
Julia has been accepted as a member of the RUB’s Research Department Closed Carbon Cycle Economy (CCCE).